Elena Symeou
I consider iconography a sacred liturgical art that reveals the theological dogmas of the Orthodox Church. "
Elena Symeou

I am Elena Symeou, an Orthodox Christian and Iconographer. I discovered my passion for icon painting 9 years ago when I attended a number of iconography courses. I am currently in my 4th year of an art degree specializing in medieval art from the Brussels Academy of Icon Painting. I am hoping this will enable me to open my own icon painting school one day in the East Midlands, UK. As an orthodox Christian of Russian background, I consider iconography a sacred liturgical art that reveals the theological dogmas of the Orthodox Church. Therefore, the full richness of tradition and beauty of its symbolism is best understood within an Orthodox liturgical context.
However, I also strongly believe in the evangelical aspect of iconography, and I have introduced local communities to the sacred and artistic elements through holding various talks. I work in the 15th century Moscow school of icon painting style, using mostly wooden boards, egg tempera with natural earth pigments and 24 carat gold leaf. My icons have been exhibited in several exhibitions in London and an International expo. I do commissions for churches and private collections. In my work I aspire to show the transfigured humanity of Christ, the Theotokos (meaning “God-Bearer” - the divine title for the Virgin Mary in the Orthodox Church) and the Saints, bringing them closer to us both in prayer and contemplation.
There are many aspects of iconography that are hugely beneficial, not only to our spiritual selves, but to our general well-being. For example it can be cathartic, therapeutic, relaxing, prayerful and contemplative. Personally, I am most appreciative of all the benefits that I continue to experience as I embark on my most amazing and captivating journey of icon painting and prayer through colours. I encourage you to embark on this journey, too, and I know you will have a positive and enriching experience.