Jen Norton
My intent in my painting and design is to show that God is present in the details, the everyday things we do on the way to wherever we think we're going. "
Jen Norton

Jen Norton is an award-winning artist and author who creates colourful work inspired by her Catholic faith. Her paintings represent our ancient traditions in a joyful, accessible style suited to both liturgy and home.
Jen graduated from Santa Clara University with a degree in Fine Art and a Business minor and worked as a Graphic Designer in the high-tech arena for a decade before pursuing her art full-time. Painfully shy as a child, Jen was unable to communicate with anyone outside her family except through drawing. Visual language was her first language and she never lost her passion for its ability to communicate her emotion. The process of painting helps her connect more deeply in her own prayer life.
Jen is the author of Surrender All: An Illuminated Journal Retreat through the Stations of the Cross ( | and Arise to Blessedness: A Journal Retreat with Eight Modern Saints Who Lived the Beatitudes ( | by Ave Maria Press.
An interview with Jen for Sacred Art LIVE! can be viewed below: